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Brazilian Wax – What is it and how to prepare for it

Brazilian waxes were introduced in a Manhattan salon in 1987 by 7 Brazilian-born sisters, the J Sisters. In 2000, Mary Hayse brought the Brazilian wax to Peoria.  The Brazilian remains a popular hair removal method in the US today.  Many people who have been doing bikini waxes for years get braver and braver each time until they finally go for the Brazilian wax.  A true Brazilian wax is removing all of the hair in the bikini and buttocks area.  There are many variations to a Brazilian wax, and many clients ask what they should do, or what is popular.  My answer to that is it is an individual preference and everyone should do what they are most comfortable with and what is aesthetically pleasing to them.

landing strip for Brazilian Wax
Which Brazilian wax do you prefer

A true Brazilian is everything off.  Some people don’t worry about their buttocks area, and leave that alone.  One popular variation is to leave a landing strip – a rectangle at the top, but some people prefer a diamond shape at the top, referred to as a martini glass.  Some people who are a little more conservative – or afraid of the pain – will leave a strip down the middle.  There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to a Brazilian – it’s what’s most pleasing to you.

How to Prepare for a Wax:

While the following is true for most waxing, it is especially important for a Brazil wax.

  • Hair should be 1/4 to 1/2″ in length – shorter and it will not be a smooth wax – longer and it will be more painful.
  • Some clients will take a pain reliever of choice 30 minutes before a wax (Tylenol, etc.)
  • Exfoliating the skin on a regular basis, especially the day before a wax will get rid of dead skin and pop the hair out.
  • Tend Skin (available at INFUSE) can be applied 3 days before a wax to help pop the hairs out.
  • Avoid waxing the week before and the week of menstruation – hormones will make you more tender.
  • Do not tan the day of a wax.
  • Realize that your first wax may not be the best wax – until you have done it a few times, hairs will be in different growth cycles, which means that hairs under the surface may pop out shortly after your wax.  After you have been waxing on a regular basis for several months, you should have smooth skin for 2-3 weeks.

After Waxing

  • Aloe will be applied after your wax
  • Most people don’t even know they had anything done by the time they get home, but if it is still tender, you may apply aloe as needed.
  • Do not work out or tan after a wax.
  • Tend Skin may be applied for 3 days after a wax to avoid ingrown hairs.

When Should You Come Back

  • The average is four weeks.  That gives you 2-3 weeks of clean, smooth skin, and enough regrowth to wax again.  Some people can go five to six weeks, depending on their hair growth.

When you want experienced, speedy professionals to do your waxing, come to INFUSE Skin and Body.  We will put you at ease in a clean, comfortable and private environment.

By:  Mary Hayse, Licensed Esthetician


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