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What Facial Should I Get

What Facial Should I Get

What facial should I get is one of the most common questions I receive when someone calls to set up an appointment.  I prefer to just set up enough time for a client’s first treatment so I can do a detailed consultation with them and then recommend the treatment that will give them the best results.  I have some amazing facials available, but everyone’s skin and needs are different.  Until I take a look at them and get an idea of what their expectations are, what their downtime tolerance is and also their budget, it’s hard to answer that question.

For people who are looking for a good exfoliation, with hydration and antioxidants, the HydraFacial is a great treatment.  The HydraFacial can be done on most skin types and can be adjusted for thin to thick skin.  Someone with a lot of active acne, however, is not a good candidate.  For someone who is looking for a more aggressive exfoliation, with anti-aging benefits and brightening, the Oxygeneo is a beautiful treatment.  The Oxygeneo, however, can’t be used on people with very thin skin or active acne.  My chemical exfoliations are what I like to call “the most bang for the buck”.  They can address so many issues with just one treatment, however there is some downtime involved and it is not considered a “relaxing” treatment.  I also do microcurrent.  Microcurrent will help lift and tighten the skin, while stimulating ATP.  This is a good treatment for my older clients who don’t want to undergo surgery, but want some lift to their skin.  While microdermabrasion is an older technology, it still works well and I do it quite often.  I do prefer HydraFacial over microdermabrasion, but I have clients who have been doing microdermabrasion for 20 years and they don’t want to change.

What facial should I get is a good question, but as you can see, it’s not always a question that can be answered over the phone or by an internet search.  You should always start with a consultation and be honest about your needs.  Once the consultation has taken place, a plan can be put together and that question can be answered in an educated manner.



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