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Tag Archives: hydration

20% off of all products

20% off of all products

Attend our Fiesta on November 28th from 5:00 to 8:00 and receive 20% off of any and all skin care products, along with many other specials and giveaways.  This is one holiday party you do not want to miss.  For more information or to RSVP, go to Merheb Surgical Arts facebook page.


All products are included in this discount

skin care products for anti-aging, acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation
Skin care products at Infuse Skin and Body

Infuse product line




Skin Script

Bion Acne

CU3 Cream

PCA Skin Silkcoat Balm

PCA Skin Silkcoat Balm

PCA Skin Silkcoat balm is an excellent choice for dry skin.  Dry skin is characterized by skin that is visibly dry, with flaking, redness and possibly itching.  Dry skin typically feels tight and sensitive.  In climates like we have in Peoria, Illinois, dry skin is more common in the winter.  Once the furnaces go on,… Continue Reading

Hydradermabrasion – The New Microdermabrasion

Hydradermabrasion is a relatively new term in skin care.  Spa facials have been around for many years, then came microdermabrasion, now the next step up is hydradermabrasion.  Hydradermabrasion works very much like microdermabrasion because it uses a rough tip to break up the skin’s surface, and a vacuum sucks away the debris.  Unlike microdermabrasion, hydradermabrasion… Continue Reading

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